Site Plan

Site Description

This site will be a place where people can go to find recipes that do not have gluten in them. It will also be a place where they can learn tips and other information about gluten intolerance.

Site Name

The name of this site is

Site Purpose

The main purpose of website is to have a place for food allergy sufferers (specifically gluten) to find recipes that they can cook and eat without getting sick. It is also a place to educate people about the different options they have for substituting wheat and white flour. They will learn tips on how others have dealt with their allergies as well.

Target Audience

My target audience are people who are suffering from food allergies or have children that are suffering from food allergies. This is mostly women who are health conscience out of need due to allergies or because they are concerned about their health.

Age: 20-70

Gender: Mostly Women

Tech savy: This group of people are often on the computer and frequently use social media.

Education level: High school graduate – Masters or more – I would say more of my target audience is college educated

Economics: They are mostly middle to upper class.

Persona 1

Persona: Part time Veterinarian Assistant
Photo: Woman cooking
Fictional Name: Holly Tucker
Demographics: 32 years old, Married, Mother of 3, has her associates Degree.
Situation: Her children are her main focus in life, Loves working with animals at her part time job, Has a child that is gluten intolerant
Goals: Her goal is to provide nutritional meals that the whole family can enjoy that are gluten free. She doesn’t want to have to cook special meals for the one child. She doesn’t want him to feel like he is different.
Quote: "Family comes first"

Persona 2

Persona: Works for a marketing company
Photo: Grandma, Mother, daughter
Fictional Name: Karen Jones
Demographics: Mother of 2, Grandmother of 2, Single, Has her Masters
Situation: After years of stomach problems, she discovered she is gluten intolerant. She is a busy executive in her office. Adores her grandchildren
Goals: To make quick meals because she does not have much time. Needs to be able to make lunches to take to work because eating out does not work well.
Quote: "Life is what you make of it, you can be happy no matter what life gives you"

Persona 3

Persona: Personal Trainer
Photo: Male trainer
Fictional Name: Rick Anderson
Demographics: 24 years old, Single, No children, Lives with his girlfriend, Has his Bachelor’s Degree
Situation: He has no food allergies but because he is health conscious he is looking into going without different kinds of foods. He may have a client or two that has food allergies as well. He is what some consider a health nut.
Goals: His goal is to be healthy and live to be 120.
Quote: "It is health that is real wealth, not gold."


  1. Holly is a 32 year old mother of three who recently discovered that her child is gluten intolerant. She wants to be able to cook meals that the whole family will enjoy, that aren’t too hard that do not have any gluten. She also does not want to have to go buy expensive ingredients.
  2. Kelly is a fitness and health nut that has no food allergies but has experimented with being a vegetarian/vegan and is always looking for new ways to eat healthy. She has heard of the problems that many people have with gluten and wonders if pesticides used or preservatives have caused these problems and is thinking of avoiding gluten as a precaution.
  3. Karen is a mother of two and a grandmother of 2 and after suffering for years with stomach problems discovered that she is gluten intolerant. She is a busy at work and doesn’t have a lot of time to cook. She is willing to buy some specialty ingredients and will sometimes use her time on the weekends making gluten free bread and food to take for lunches at work.
  4. Trisha is a mother of 4 young kids. She is gluten intolerant and has discovered that two of her kids are as well. She makes all their own gluten free bread and plans out their meals carefully. She is always looking for new things to cook that little children will eat that are gluten free. They need to be somewhat easy because four little kids take all her time and energy.
  5. Peggy is a grandma of many. Some of her grandchildren are gluten intolerant and they are coming to visit for a week. She wants to cook things that they can eat.
  6. Jackie is gluten intolerant and pregnant. She is hungry all the time and also suffering from some morning sickness. She is looking for a good variety of healthy things she can eat that will be good for the baby and not make her sick.
  7. Leslie loves to bake and recently discovered a gluten intolerance. She is looking for yummy things to bake that are gluten free.
  8. Sandra is looking for special treats that she can bake with her kids that are gluten free. It is the holidays and all of her friends are baking special Christmas treats and she is looking for something good that won’t make them sick.
  9. What do you use to substitute flour?
  10. What are some tips to not eating gluten?

Asset/Content List

Site Map

Site Map

Style Guide

Color Scheme: Tetrad (4 colors)

Primary color is green. Text will be either black or one of the darker of each color.

Color Scheme

Example of how the colors could look on a page:

Example page


The table shows user the color, size and font used in each of the areas of the page template.

Object/Item Font Style
All h2 & h1 headings Baskerville, Garamond, "Times New Roman", san-serif Bold
Navigation Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Regular
Navigation hover Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Regular
Navigation selected Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Regular
All other text (paragraphs, lists etc...) Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Regular
All h3's or lower Baskerville, Garamond, "Times New Roman", san-serif Regular


Located at the top of the page under the top logo.

Navigation bar and logo



appearance of site on PC

Tablet and Smart Phone:

Appearance of site on tablet and smart phone